AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Volunteers Promote Chinese Culture at Moon Festival in Walnut on September 14-15, 2024

On September 14-15, 2024, student volunteers from the AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch took part in the Moon Festival in Walnut, held at 1100 N Grand Ave. Over two days, the volunteers played a pivotal role in facilitating the festival by setting up booths, managing activities, assisting attendees, and ensuring the event ran smoothly. Their contributions not only supported the festival’s operations but also advanced a broader goal: fostering greater appreciation and understanding of Chinese and Asian cultural traditions among the local community.

The Moon Festival, a celebration deeply rooted in Chinese heritage, provided an opportunity to introduce local residents to customs such as mooncake sharing and familial gatherings, which symbolize unity and gratitude. The festival aimed to bridge cultural divides and build community ties through shared experiences. By showcasing these traditions, the volunteers helped foster greater cultural awareness, reinforcing the importance of celebrating diversity in the local community.

09/14/2024 Morning Session

Time: 08:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Activity: Event setup, arranging booths, and preparing for the festival.
In the morning, volunteers worked diligently to prepare for the festival’s opening. Yongxi Hu, Chengzhuo Ye, Zikang Li, Cynthia Shen, Yi Wang, Eric Wang, Zixuan Wang, Yanya Chen, Junhe Zhang, Yixin Qian, and Haoyu Zhang each contributed eight hours of service, ensuring that booths were efficiently set up and ready to engage festival-goers.

09/14/2024 Afternoon Session

Time: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Activity: Assisting with event activities, managing booths, and helping visitors.
Throughout the afternoon, the volunteers took on responsibilities such as managing booths, assisting visitors, and supporting various festival activities. Ryan Kan, Xinyu Hu, Qingxiao Hu, Zhengdao Lu, Euphia Chi, and Tianle Feng each contributed eight hours of service. Their involvement was key in maintaining a smooth flow of activities and enhancing the cultural exchange between the festival’s attendees and the showcased Chinese traditions.

09/15/2024 Morning Session

Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Activity: Booth setup, welcoming visitors, and organizing festival events.
On the second day, volunteers continued their efforts by setting up booths and welcoming festival attendees. Yanya Chen, Zejun Ding, Zikang Li, Chengzhuo Ye, Xueqian Shen, Takeshi Abe, Yuandun An, Yangxuezhe Sun, Yuanyi An, Yixuan Yuan, Haoyu Zhang, Yifan Ping, Leo Dai, Yixin Qian, Yuzhu Jin, and Zhiman Li each contributed six hours of service, working together to ensure the festival continued to run smoothly while introducing attendees to Chinese culture.

09/15/2024 Afternoon Session

Time: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Activity: Managing booths, assisting with festival performances, and cleaning up after the event.
In the final session, volunteers helped manage performances and assisted with the closing activities, ensuring a smooth conclusion to the festival. Ryan Kan, Zhengdao Lu, Shengwen Jia, and Tommy Tang each contributed seven hours of service, providing crucial support as the event drew to a close.

Through their combined efforts, the volunteers from AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch significantly contributed to the success of the Moon Festival, not only through their logistical support but also by promoting deeper community engagement with Chinese cultural traditions. This experience served as a valuable means of enhancing cultural understanding and appreciation, reinforcing the significance of celebrating diversity within the local community.


Written by: Yangxuezhe Sun

Updated: September 19, 2024 — 8:56 pm

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