AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Volunteers at ALFC Generosity Center September 14, 2024

On September 14, 2024, the ALFC Generosity Center hosted another successful food distribution event, where volunteers from the AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch gathered to serve the community. A total of 22 dedicated students participated, with one new volunteer joining the team, showcasing the ongoing enthusiasm for community service among the youth.

The volunteers arrived at 7:30 AM and worked until 12:30 PM, distributing canned food to those in need. Although two volunteers, Yanya Chen and Yanhang Guo, were unable to attend, the rest of the team worked diligently to ensure the event ran smoothly. Andrew Zhou, the newest volunteer, was warmly welcomed and quickly integrated into the tasks.

The student volunteers included Yangxuezhe Sun, Lingnai Yang, Xueqian Shen, Ivan Fu, Zejun Ding, Haohua Feng, Yifan Ping, Shuyu Yan, Yiyi Wang, Minghao Shi, Yixuan Yuan, Shengwen Jia, Euphia Chi, Weiyan Qi, Jiapeng Ni, Jiaman Ni, Elvis Wang, Andrew Zhou, Takeshi Abe, Zhiwei Lin, Junzuo Chen, and Junhe Zhang. Each of them contributed six hours of service, reflecting their dedication and teamwork throughout the day.

The successful completion of the food distribution highlighted the volunteers’ efficiency and commitment to helping their community. The organizers expressed their gratitude for the students’ hard work, and the volunteers left feeling proud of their contributions.

AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga continues to demonstrate its commitment to community service, with events like this making a positive impact. The volunteers look forward to participating in future events, driven by the knowledge that their efforts make a meaningful difference.

Written by: Yangxuezhe Sun

Updated: September 16, 2024 — 9:49 pm

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