Syosset AYLUS organization went to Long Island Native Plant Initiative to go help with a plant sale and at the greenhouse on 09/14/24

Reported by Felix Zheng

On September 14, the Syosset AYLUS organization visited the Long Island Native Plant Initiative. Today, we worked on various tasks, such as making tags to label the plants inside the nursery. Many AYLUS members participated in creating tags, stickers, and potting plants. It was a massive sale day for the Long Island Native Plant Initiative, so our main goal was to arrange items to create open spaces for customers to walk around and browse the plants. We also prepared stickers representing the Long Island Native Plant Initiative so that buyers could identify plants from the greenhouse. After making the tags, we walked around the nursery to match the tags with the corresponding plants. For plants without tags in their pots, we added tags to ensure buyers knew which specific plant they were purchasing. As we neared the end of placing tags, we were given another task: to create more plants. Overall, the Syosset AYLUS organization was very successful at the plant sale today and in assisting at the greenhouse.

Members who parctipated: Felix Zheng (2hrs) , Bryan Wan (2hrs) , Kayla Fu (4hrs) , Lucas Fu (4hrs) , Courtney Huang (2hrs) , Tyler Huang (2hrs) , Jeffrey Chen (2hrs) , Nicole Chen (2hrs) , Justin Lin (2hrs)

Updated: September 15, 2024 — 1:53 am

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