AYLUS Roslyn Volunteers at the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County’s Group Home (24th) on September 14th, 2024

On Saturday, September 14th, from 1 to 4 pm, the Roslyn and Great Neck Branches of AYLUS volunteered for the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County (CP Nassau) at a group home in Wantagh. Today the volunteers did many fun activities with the residents, and everyone had a great time. First, we started with some crafts. The residents each made a flower bouquet out of paper and straws, and they looked really nice. We also played some Uno, which everyone enjoyed. Afterwards, we baked some banana bread. The residents all enjoyed mixing and adding in the ingredients. After the bread was put in the oven, we moved on to some more arts and crafts. First, the residents decorated paper plates with animal faces, which looked really cute. The next craft that we did was decorating a template with foam stickers. It helped with coordination and was really fun. Finally, we painted little wooden bird ornaments, and the residents got to choose their favorite colors and designs. They were a hit. While waiting for them to dry, we played a couple of rounds of bingo, and a couple more rounds of Uno. Overall, volunteers and residents had a great time during the three hours, making it a great success.


Serena Chen (3 hours, GN) , Maggie Xiao (3 hours, GN), Haoyang Sun (3 hours, GN), Michael Zhang (3 hours, R) , Leo Zheng (3 hours, R).

Report by Serena Chen

Updated: September 15, 2024 — 9:00 pm

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