Frisco & Plano Branch Crochet Small Bird Amigurumi Keychains for Loops for Love Project on September 8th 2024

Reported by Tanya Fu

Posted by Jenny Wang

On September 8th, 2024, 5 volunteers from the Frisco & Plano AYLUS branch gathered together from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM to crochet small bird amigurumi keychains. During this event, each of our volunteers were able to get started on crocheting keychains, and some were able to complete an entire keychain and more (pictures below).  A total of 7 birds were made in this workshop! These crochet keychains are to be gifted000 to the cancer patients at children’s hospitals, along with hats our volunteers made, or to be sold in the flea market to raise funds for donations. Wonderful job from our volunteers, and we hope to see them at next week’s meeting as well!


Tanya Fu      3 hours

Lillian Qian    2 hours

Karen Zhou   2 hours

Ellie Zhou      2 hours

Qilu Jin          1 hour

Updated: September 12, 2024 — 8:41 pm

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