Greater Memphis AYLUS Helps Preparations of Shelby Farms Park Cross Country Course on 9/07/24

On Saturday, September 7, 2024, the MYA volunteers completed the monumental task of preparing the course at Shelby Farms Park for children to safely enjoy and compete. Their tasks included finding and filling holes on the course and trimming tree limbs and bushes. The volunteers worked together to ensure the course was ready for the event.

All volunteers met at the Shelby Farms Park cross-country start line and contributed 2.5 hours of work. Their dedication and hard work were even featured on the organization’s Instagram. The following members participated, organized by last name:

  1. Junyi Chen: 2.5 hours
  2. Cece Gao: 2.5 hours
  3. Mia Gao: 2.5 hours
  4. Irvin Ju: 2.5 hours
  5. Phoebe Miao: 2.5 hours


Updated: September 10, 2024 — 3:26 am

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