AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Volunteers at ALFC Generosity Center September 7, 2024

On September 7, 2024, the ALFC Generosity Center once again hosted a successful food distribution event, with volunteers from the AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch gathering for a day of service. A total of 21 dedicated students participated in the event, with four new volunteers joining the team, further reflecting the growing interest in community service among local youth.

The volunteers arrived at 7:30 AM and worked diligently until 13:00 PM, distributing canned food to those in need. Yangxuezhe Sun, responsible for organizing the event and coordinating with the hosts, contributed four hours of service, ensuring that the volunteer team was well-prepared and that everything ran smoothly. The rest of the volunteers each contributed six hours of service. Their commitment and teamwork were evident throughout the event, and the organizers appreciated the volunteers’ dedication.

The student volunteers included Yangxuezhe Sun, Zejun Ding, Haoyu Zhang, Minghao Shi, Yifan Ping, Xueqian Shen, Ivan Fu, Yiyi Wang, Cynthia Shen, Jiajun Zhao, Shuyu Yan, Angelynne Zhu, Xuanyu Li, Qiaoyan Peng, Shengwen Jia, Alex Li, Yuxuan Huang, Euphia Chi, Zhiwei Lin, Junzuo Chen, and Junhe Zhang. The four new volunteers were welcomed to the team and quickly integrated into the tasks at hand.

The successful completion of the day’s tasks showcased the dedication and efficiency of the volunteers. The event concluded with a strong sense of accomplishment and reflection, as the students felt proud of their contributions to their community.

As always, the AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch continues to demonstrate its commitment to community service, and the organizers and volunteers look forward to future events that further foster this spirit of giving back.

Written by: Yangxuezhe Sun


Updated: September 10, 2024 — 10:01 pm

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