AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch Volunteers at Crocheron Park (9/7/24)

On September 7, 2024, the 121st event, AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch helped mulch, clean, and weed at Crocheron park. Members worked with Dana Gump, Gene McQuillan,  and Paul Brunn in three groups from 8:30 to 12:00, volunteering for a total of 3.5 hours.

At the beginning of the event, Dana told us the importance of mulching Crocheron park, a park that has a lot of hills. Slopes with bare ground makes it easier for mud and sediment to move downhill towards the pond. Also, mulch can suppress unwanted plants like Japanese knotweed, which is an invasive species from Japan. Because it originally lived near volcanoes, it puts all its energy into the roots so it can keep coming back even when the leaves are destroyed. With this in mind, the first group started mulching the area. Some members filled buckets and wheelbarrows, some brought the mulch to certain areas, and the rest spread it evenly on areas with Japanese knotweed to suppress it.

The second group was tasked with bringing branches scattered around the park to the woody debris area. To help make the park workers’ jobs easier, members of this group had to make sure they put the branches in the pile with the cut ends facing out. This way, it would be easier to pick up and discard in the future.

When they were done, the second group started using clippers and loppers to cut English ivy and porcelain berries that were growing on the trees and on the ground. These invasive plants could hinder the growth of native plants like the virginia perigynium, virginia creeper, and pokeweed. To effectively rid the area of unwanted plants and weeds, they should be cut at the very bottom of the stem, making it harder for the plants to grow back.

Lastly, the third grape collected walnuts on the floor to spread and germinate in other areas. These walnuts are originally green, but in time, they mature and become black. A total of three bags were collected and they will soon be used to help grow more black walnut trees.

We would like to thank Dana, Gene, and Paul for teaching us so much about plants and for guiding us in today’s events. Thank you to all AYLUS members for working so hard today!


Our volunteers:

Patrick Guan: 3.5 hours

Amy Liu: 3.5 hours

Alfred Liu: 3.5 hours

Angela Liu: 3.5 hours

Fiona Liu: 3.5 hours

Ioklee Lin: 3.5 hours

Iokseng Lin: 3.5 hours

Vicki Lin: 3.5 hours

Sophia Lu: 3.5 hours

Alexander Lu: 3.5 hours

Leon Chen: 3.5 hours

Bowen Chen: 3.5 hours

Alex Lu: 3.5 hours

Rex He: 3.5 hours

Justin Cheong: 3.5 hours

Steven Zhu: 3.5 hours

Lucas Chen: 3.5 hours

Chloe Chan: 3.5 hours

Sophia Lin: 3.5 hours

Shirley Chiu: 3.5 hours

Yuan Gu: 3.5 hours

Kaisa Wu: 3.5 hours

Ryan Wu: 3.5 hours

Maggie Liu: 3.5 hours

Johny Yang: 3.5 hours

Jerry Zhu: 3.5 hours

Aaron Shi: 3.5 hours

Sophia Gao: 3.5 hours

Sabrina Gao: 3.5 hours

Derrick Gao: 3.5 hours

Sophia Li: 3.5 hours

Karis Lau: 3.5 hours

Ian Lee: 3.5 hours

Elina Lee: 3.5 hours

Ziheng Jiao: 3.5 hours

Aiden Lin: 3.5 hours

Brandon Lin: 3.5 hours

Matthew Lin: 3.5 hours

Nerissa Xu: 3.5 hours

Paxton Xu: 3.5 hours

Darren Li: 3.5 hours

Zhengyilan Fang: 3.5 hours

Shiqi Zheng: 3.5 hours

Liam Cheung: 3.5 hours

Sophia You: 3.5 hours

Stephanie You: 3.5 hours

Ioknor Lin: 3.5 hours

Queena Li: 3.5 hours

Yize Dong: 3.5 hours

Sophia Xu: 3.5 hours

Anthony Xu: 3.5 hours

Joanna Qu: 2.5 hours

Jasmine Qu: 2.5 hours

Xiangxi Yu: 1 hour

Eric Yu: 1 hour


Parent Adviser Team:

Teng Fei Liu: 4 hours

Hsinhui Liao: 4 hours

Cui Fang Li: 4 hours


Report Written by: Iokseng Lin

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: September 9, 2024 — 12:55 pm

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