Woodbridge CT Branch Building a Free Little Library for the Community September 7, 2024

In the first of a series aimed at enhancing our community, AYLUS Woodbridge came together to construct a little free library that will soon provide free access to books for everyone. Using sturdy wood and nails, our volunteers meticulously built the library to ensure it will withstand the test of time and serve the community for years to come. Once the structure was complete, we painted the library in the vibrant red and white colors of AYLUS, making it both a durable and visually appealing addition to the neighborhood.

The little free library operates on a simple yet powerful principle: “take a book, leave a book” (though leaving a book is optional). This encourages a culture of sharing, making books accessible to those who might not be able to afford new ones and fostering a love for reading among children and adults alike. By providing a space where anyone can freely exchange books, we aim to inspire learning, promote literacy, and strengthen the bonds within our community. This event marks the beginning of a project that will contribute to the intellectual and cultural growth of our neighborhood, one book at a time.


Eason Ni – 8 hours

Christopher Ma – 8 hours

Ivan Zhang – 8 hours

Grace Millard – 8 hours

Jordan Chen – 8 hours


Reported by Weiming Ni

Updated: September 10, 2024 — 1:06 am

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