Syosset AYLUS Organization went to Long Island Native plant Inititaive to go planting and help out around the greenhouse on 09/7/24

On September 7, the Syosset AYLUS organization participated in the Long Island Native Plant Initiative, a dedicated effort to restore and enhance the natural beauty and ecological health of Long Island’s landscapes. This initiative focuses on planting native species, supporting local ecosystems, and promoting environmental sustainability. Our team engaged in a hands-on project, planting various native species and contributing to greenhouse activities. This report highlights our efforts, specifically the planting of Steeplebush and Purple Stemmed Aster. Planting Native Species We successfully planted Steeplebush and Purple Stemmed Aster in designated areas. This involved preparing the soil, positioning the plants, and ensuring they were well-watered and mulched. Benefits of Steeplebush and Purple Stemmed some benefits of Aster Steeplebush are Ecological Value Steeplebush is a native shrub that thrives in wet, acidic soils. It plays a significant role in stabilizing soil and preventing erosion, particularly in wetland areas. Another benefit of this plant is their Wildlife Support: This plant provides valuable nectar for pollinators such as bees and butterflies, contributing to the health and diversity of local insect populations. Purple Stemmed Aster is highly beneficial to Ecological Value Purple Stemmed Aster is well-adapted to a variety of soil types and conditions, making it a resilient addition to local plant communities. It helps support soil health and biodiversity. Overall, the Syosset AYLUS organization was very successful in planting and assisting around the greenhouse at the Long Island Native Plant Initiative. Our contributions helped advance the initiative’s goals and support the local environment.

Members who participated: Felix Zheng (2hrs) , Michael Qiao (4hrs) , Kayla Fu (2hrs) , Lucas Fu (2hrs) , Justin Lin (2hrs) , Darren Zhang (2hrs) , Geyan Lou (2hrs) , Courtney Huang (2hrs) , Tyler Huang (2hrs) , Miles Chen (2hrs)

Updated: September 8, 2024 — 1:54 am

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