Aylus Great Neck Branch Volunteer at The Arboretum State Park on 8/3/24 (42nd)

Aylus Great Neck Branch Volunteer at The Arboretum State Park on 8/3/24 

On August 3rd 2024, The AYLUS Team worked tirelessly rooting out weeds and made sure to keep the plants in the arboretum healthy and beautiful. Using the tools provided by the Arboretum staff, such as shovels, rakes and buckets, they were able to root out a lot of weeds and keep the garden clean from any invasive species. The AYLUS Team hopes to make the garden as clean as possible in order for a less invasive, healthy community of plants.

On this day, the AYLUS team learned that through hard work and dedication, something beautiful can appear, making the green part of the world a better place. The AYLUS team also learned that plant health, especially in these times, is important. We appreciate working at the arboretum and making sure that we can keep, even if it’s a little part of the world, a bit healthier and making sure the world thrives not only for this generation, but also the next. 

Report By: Jerry Li

Volunteers(2.5hrs): Zoe Xia, Jerry Li, Tiffany Zhang, Jason Zhang, Qifeng Han, Qishen Han, Cianyu Chien, Yutong Xing

Updated: September 7, 2024 — 4:28 pm

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