West Essex Aylus Volunteers at martial arts class for Children in 2024 July and August

West Essex members Zoe Leung, Jaden Leung, Hebe Leung and Jeremiah Au volunteered at Taekwondo classes for children in 2024 July and August. Volunteers coordinated and helped with teaching, warming up, Taekwondo forms, nunchucks, and sparring footwork, so participants who are between 6-15 years old can increase their martial art skills. They also helped in Taekwondo class for special needs children.

Jeremiah: 1 hour each on 7/10, 7/17, 7/22, 7/24, 7/29, 7/31, 8/5, 8/7, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26, 8/28.

Jaden Leung: 8/5 (2 hours), 8/7 (1 hour), 8/12 (2 hours), 8/14 (1 hour), 8/19 (2 hours), 8/21 (1 hour), 8/26 (2 hours), 8/28 (1 hour).

Hebe Leung:  8/5 (2 hours), 8/7 (1 hour), 8/19 (2 hours), 8/21 (1 hour), 8/26 (2 hours), 8/28 (1 hour).

Zoe Leung: 8/5 (2 hours), 8/7 (1 hour), 8/12 (2 hours), 8/14 (1 hour)

Jasmine Chen: 8/28 (1 hour)

Updated: September 6, 2024 — 12:28 am

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