San Diego Branch organized a Community Cleanup Event at Solana Ranch Park on Sept. 3, 2024

Reported by Andrew Zhou 

The AYLUS San Diego Committee organized ta Community Cleanup Event at Pacific Highlands Ranch Community Park on Sept. 3 , 2024.

Trash pollution is a prevalent issue in many parts of the world today, harming the environment as well as wildlife within the area. We believe that as global citizens, it is our mission to protect nature. With this in mind, the San Diego Branch kicked off the community cleanup event, which is an attempt to help the local environment suffering from the buildup of trash. We believe that by our efforts to keep the local environment clean, we will create conditions that are much more conducive to biodiversity.

After the long Labor Day weekend, a lot of trash was left around the community park. On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, from 2:30 to 3:30, the AYLUS San Diego Committee organized a cleanup event at Pacific Highlands Ranch Community Park, picking up trash from the roads and bushes.

The following two members participated in this event, 1 volunteer hour for each:

Andrew Zhou   and  Sixue Zhou

Updated: September 4, 2024 — 12:00 am

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