AYLUS Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Planting Fields Arboretum State Park on 8/31/2024(41st)

On Saturday, August 31, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., volunteers from the AYLUS Great Neck Branch gathered at Planting Fields Arboretum State Park. Our mission for the day was twofold: to plant new vegetation and to combat the spread of invasive species, including English ivy, to safeguard both historic and newly introduced plant collections.

The planting process proved to be a meticulous task. We encountered several challenges, such as large, stubborn roots that made digging difficult. To ensure the success of our planting, we first needed to identify suitable locations where the soil was both accessible and conducive to the plants’ growth. This involved loosening the soil adequately and digging holes of the correct depth and width to accommodate the plants’ root systems.

Removing invasive plants, while somewhat easier in comparison, required thorough attention. The English ivy and other invasive species had extensive root systems that needed to be completely extracted to prevent rapid regrowth and further disruption of the park’s ecosystem. Our team worked diligently to remove every last bit of root, ensuring that the invasive plants would not return and threaten the park’s native flora.

The event was highly successful due to the enthusiastic participation of numerous volunteers. Working together, we were able to make substantial progress in both planting and removing invasive species. The collective effort of the group not only contributed to the park’s preservation but also fostered a strong sense of accomplishment and community spirit among the volunteers.

Overall, it was a rewarding and fulfilling experience. The impact of our work will help maintain the health and beauty of Planting Fields Arboretum State Park for years to come, and the sense of camaraderie among volunteers made the day both enjoyable and meaningful.

Reported by: Fanxi Xia

Volunteers Who participated(2.5hrs): 1. Tiffany Zhang
2. Qifeng Han
3. Qishen Han
4. Jason Zhang
5. Jerry Li
6. Zoe Xia
7. Fanxi Xia
8. sophia li

Updated: September 6, 2024 — 11:14 pm

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