Chapel Hill Branch Volunteers Bake Cookies for Seniors on Aug 25, 2024

Throughout the weekend, our AYLUS Chapel Hill members dedicated their day to baking homemade cookies for local seniors. Our volunteers got creative in their kitchens, crafting delicious cookies and packaging them in little bags. These thoughtfully prepared treats are set to be delivered to Meals on Wheels the next morning. We hope these cookies, made with care and love, will bring joy to the seniors and brighten their day.


Volunteers who participated in this event are: Eric Sun (6 hrs), Andrew Zhao (6 hrs), Karen Lin (6 hrs), April Zhang (6 hrs), Owen Xie (6 hrs), Alwin Liu (6 hrs), Jack Xu (3 hrs), Lucy Wang (1.5 hrs), and Luna Chen (1.5 hrs).

Reported by Luna Chen

Updated: September 1, 2024 — 3:41 am

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