AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families through NOSH delivers! Food Pantry (27th) on August 30, 2024

From Monday, August 30th, 2024, AYLUS Roslyn had the opportunity to volunteer at NOSH Delivers! Food Pantry is a crucial initiative to support families affected by the pandemic. During our time there, we engaged in a range of tasks that contributed to the pantry’s mission of combating food insecurity.

Our efforts included packing NOSH bags filled with supplies such as apples, cabbage, potatoes, and squashes. Volunteers also prepared and decorated lunch bags for children to bring a bit of joy into their lives. These lunches included items like mac and cheese, and snack bars, and the decorated bags were designed to make the children smile. In addition to packing, we sorted through fresh produce, removing any spoiled or moldy items to ensure that only the best-quality food reached the families in need. We also took responsibility for restocking shelves, organizing donated items, and making sure everything was easily accessible for those visiting the pantry.

One of the highlights of our volunteer experience was handling the influx of donations from generous corporations like Costco and nearby bread shops. We worked diligently to organize these donations, storing them in the walk-in fridge and making them available to those who rely on NOSH for their meals. Throughout our time at NOSH, we were constantly reminded of the importance of teamwork and organization as we coordinated our efforts to support the pantry’s operations.

Watching families leave the pantry with bags full of groceries and smiles on their faces was a humbling and fulfilling experience that reinforced the significance of community service. Volunteering at NOSH not only allowed us to contribute to a meaningful cause but also inspired us to continue giving back to our community.

Members who participated:

Lyann Lin (4 hours), Ryan Lin (4 hours), Zihan Wang (4 hours), and Hua Tiffany Lin (4 hours)

Reporter: Hua (Tiffany) Lin

Updated: September 1, 2024 — 8:29 pm

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