AYLUS Memorial Branch volunteered at the MAM resale store on August 28th, 2024

On August 28th, 2024, members of the Aylus Memorial Branch in Houston, Texas volunteered at the MAM Resale Store to assist with organizing and grouping the inventory. The volunteers picked up clothes, organized toys, electronics, and folded linens. The members also organized the whole clothing section by different categories and helped out in the warehouse.

Volunteers at this event: Evan Nguyen(2.5 hrs), Katherine Guo(2.5 hrs), Emily Liu(2.5 hrs), Elaine Kwan(2.5 hrs), Christine Cai (2.5 hrs), Bethany Wang (1 hr).

Reported by: Katherine Guo

Advisor at the event: Lingli Hong


Updated: September 1, 2024 — 2:46 am

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