AYLUS Syosset teaches children basketball at A.P Willits on 08/20/2024

On 08/20/2024 the members of AYLUS Syosset teach kids basketball at A.P Willits on 08/20/2024. The coaches still teach the basics and rules to the new comers of the AYLUS Syosset basketball club but allow the children who have previously attended the basketball club to play scrimmages. While the scrimmages play on there will be 2-3 coaches assigned to watching over and coaching the students. During the overview coaches are able to speak to other coaches about what certain students need to work on and what students can move on to the next level. Due to this structure it helps the coaches a lot with the understanding on what level all students are at.

Members who participated include: everyone (2h):

Rowen Zhu, Tyler Zhu, Wang yang Ji, KeXuan Chen, Bryan Wan, Darren Gao, Kyle Bao, Aaron Wong

Updated: August 31, 2024 — 2:19 am

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