AYLUS Syosset Helps at CCE Farmers Market (8/24/24)

On 8/24/24, Syosset AYLUS volunteers attended the CCE farmer’s market. The CCE farmer’s market is held at Eisenhower Park where local businesses set up booths and advertise their products. Said products range from fresh and local produce to handmade crochet goods. Furthermore, CCE has incorporated a CSA program (community supported agriculture) where citizens help out farmers earlier in the year and now are being paid back with fresh produce. 

Volunteers arrived early in the morning to help set up the tents, tables, and the stands of other businesses. For the most part these members were given the task of managing the CCE stand. Students needed to keep track of the number of visitors, direct them in the right way, and answer any questions. Additionally, there was an activities center for the children where fun worksheets, stickers and tattoos were available. At the end of the session, all volunteers helped clean up the tents and wrap up another successful day at the farmers market.

Volunteers participated: Nicole Zhang (4.5 hrs),  Rachel Zhang (4.5 hrs), Ranveer Kathpal (2.5 hrs), and Xuanming (Kevin) Liu (4.5 hrs).


Updated: August 28, 2024 — 10:11 pm

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