Oakland Gardens Branch Cares for Community Garden (08/24/2024)

This is the 114th event hosted by AYLUS Oakland Gardens. On Saturday, August 24th, 2024, AYLUS Oakland Gardens went to their community garden to help take care of the plants from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30p.m.

The day was a bit hotter than usual, even though we are nearing fall. However, we were still determined to help these plants grow. We feared that it wouldn’t rain for a long time and the plants would die of dehydration. As we watered the plants with the hoses and buckets, some of our members also started weeding the plants. There were a lot of weeds to take out, such as grass and clovers. AYLUS Oakland Gardens members also picked some of the ripe tomatoes that were growing. The tomatoes were sweet and tart and brimming with juice. A lot of the tomatoes were fully red, whilst others still had hints of orange.

We witnessed the growth process of plants and vegetables with our own eyes.  We saw the basil blooming, smelled the unique scent of the basil and coriander, personally picked sour and sweet cheery tomatoes to share with community’s people, and also enjoy the beautiful flowers under our care.

Our volunteers:

Hong Hao Liu: 1.5 hours

Jia Qi Liu: 1.5 hours

Sophia ShiHan You: 1.5 hours

Aiden Lin : 1.5 hours

Stephanie ShiRan You: 1.5 hours

Brandon Lin : 1.5 hours

Matthew Lin: 1.5 hours


Parent Adviser Team:

Teng Fei Liu: 2 hours

Hsinhui Liao: 2 hours

Cui Fang Li: 2 hours


Report Written by: Stephanie ShiRan You

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: August 25, 2024 — 12:58 am

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