AYLUS Basking Ridge weekly iPAD club to Fellowship Village on 8/24/24 (60th)

On Saturday, August 24th, AYLUS held its weekly iPad Club at the Fellowship Village. Members had taught seniors how to make a group email, and how to change the time and reset the step counter on a seniors watch, they had also taught that senior how to set up their contacts and how to make the volume louder. Then members helped answer a question about using aol, and then they taught a senioehow to rearange apps on theri phone and reorganize them, Furthermore, members had also taught a senior how to put their call on speaker, and access the contact list through the phone app.

Claire Zhang,Lucas Ni, Madeline Zhu (2.5HR each, 8/24/24)


Updated: August 26, 2024 — 9:49 pm

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