AYLUS Cheshire Branch Delivers Donuts for Fundraiser – 08/02/24

Reported by: Valerie Zheng

On August 2nd, 2024, AYLUS Cheshire Branch delivered Krispy Kreme Donuts as part of a fundraising event. The donuts had been previously pre-ordered as part of another AYLUS event. Volunteers picked up the donuts from the Krispy Kreme and delivered them to the people who had ordered them previously. All of the money is to go towards Cheshire High School. Below are some pictures of the event:

Jeffrey Yam: 4
James Fan: 2.5
Alvan Liu: 4
Bradley Fang: 8
Valerie Zheng: 8

Updated: August 22, 2024 — 2:02 am

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