Chapel Hill Branch Volunteers at Dry Creek Trail Cleanup Event on Aug 18, 2024

On Sunday noon, volunteers of the AYLUS Chapel Hill Branch dedicated their morning hours to protecting the environment by hosting a trail clean up along Dry Creek Trail and the neighboring school. After lots of walking and scavenging for trash, we were able to collect several bags of harmful waste that consisted of bottles, takeout containers, wrappers, etc. Despite the heat, we persisted and our efforts resulted in a cleaner community. We will continue to host similar clean-up events in order to leave a positive impact on our environment.


Volunteers who participated in this event are Ryan Liu (1.5 hours), Andrew Zhao (1.5 hrs), and Eric Sun (1.5 hrs).


The event lasted from 11:30 AM to 1 PM

Reported by Eric Sun

Updated: August 20, 2024 — 6:00 pm

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