AYLUS Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Stepping Stone Park (13th) 8/11/2024

On Sunday, 8/11/24, volunteers at the Alliance Youth Leader in the United States program met at Stepping Stone Park to remove weeds, extra twigs and leaves on the ground. The members of AYLUS were provided with gloves, trowels, trash bags, and wheelbarrows, to assist them when they worked at SteppingStone. Pulling out invasive weeds and cleaning up, allowed the flowers and trees to be able to improve the environment’s health. The volunteers also picked up any trash, twigs, or leaves to not only improve the life in the park, but to make it more appealing too.


Thanks to the activities of the volunteers, it helped SteppingStone become healthier and cleaner. It also encourages the community to make sure that other environments should be handled with care. In addition to all the volunteers’ hard work, it spreads awareness by making sure the environment is clean and inspires others to preserve it. By everyone’s effort to maintain the park, it provides the visitors with the appearance of the park to appreciate the enjoyment of their stay at SteppingStone.


Reporter: Cody Ngo


Volunteers (2 Hours)


  • 1. Jerry Li
  • 2. Brandon Li
  • 3. Cody Ngo
  • 4. xingchen Jin
  • 5. Guangqi Lu
  • 6. Zhaoxi Chen
  • 7. Jinkuan Chen
  • 8. Zhaoyu Liu
  • 9. Jason zeng
  • 10. isla zeng
  • 11. Brenda Roman
  • 12. Henry Li
  • 13. Wenya Zhang
  • 14. sophia li
  • 15. Joyce Zhang


Updated: August 27, 2024 — 6:23 pm

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