Frisco & Plano Branch Fundraising at Russell Creek Park for African Library Project on August 11th 2024

Reported by Jenny Lin

Posted by Jenny Wang

On Sunday, August 11, we set up our station at Russel Creek park. We sold cotton candy, shaved ice, and iced water. For most of the volunteers there that day— it was their first time at AYLUS. So, after everyone had been taught how to make the cotton candy and shaved ice, we assigned roles to each other. One team, deemed the “advertising” team, would go out and advertise for our shop. The other team would stay at the station and work on making the cotton candy and shaved ice. And there was one guy who held up the signs towards people going into the park. He held those signs for a WHILE so we let him get a break and have a shaved ice of his own! We made sure to acknowledge those who worked hard and give people breaks when we could. It also helped bond us, who had never met each other until that day. For example, when it was late and no other customers were appearing, we ran a quick race to the hill and back for fun! We started at 7:00PM and ended at 10:00PM. Even with less customers, we fundraised about 71 dollars in the process!


Jenny Lin 4 hour (event leader)
kailang Du  3 hour
Jingrui Duan  3 hour
Tianlu Zhou  3 hour
Rosie Zhang  3 hour
Scott Ni  3 hour
Nathan Ni  3 hour
Alex Sun  3 hour
Zehao Sun  3 hour

Updated: August 13, 2024 — 4:16 am

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