AYLUS San Clemente Branch Members Helped FAM Annual Back-to-School Supply Drive on August 9th, 2024

On August 9th, 2024, Three AYLUS San Clemente Branch members helped FAM Annual Back-to-School Supply Drive.

With the new school year just around the conner, our members donated supplies such as backpacks, pencil boxes, glue sticks, pen and pencils, crayons, markers and notebooks etc. to FAM. It’s a great way to support our local underserved kids and make a difference in our community. FAM Staffs thanked our members for their support with beautiful flowers.

Members participated: Elena Hsieh ( 2hrs ), Miah Zhou (2hrs) and Tylon Zhou (2hrs).

Supervisor: Anna Yang & Beijing Wu

Reported by Elena Hsieh

Updated: August 13, 2024 — 10:11 pm

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