AYLUS San Clemente Branch Host 4th Clothing Donation to Goodwill on August 11th, 2024

On August 11th, 2024, AYLUS San Clemente Branch hosted its 4th Clothing Donation to San Juan Capistrano Goodwill .  Five members donated gently used clothes and shoes for all ages. Altogether, six bags of clothing were donated, with each of the five members donating one or more bags of clothes.

Members who participated: Elena Hsieh ( 2hrs ), Edward Leigh ( 2hrs ), Jasmine Zheng ( 2hrs ), Miah Zhou ( 2hrs ) and Tylon Zhou ( 2hrs ).

Supervisor: Anna Yang, Jenny Ye

Reported by Elena Hsieh


Updated: August 13, 2024 — 10:36 pm

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