Riverside County AYLUS Members Hold School Supply Drive for Children in Foster Care on August 6th, 2024

During the month of August, RCA members came together with a heartfelt mission: to support children in foster care through a school supply drive. Recognizing that every child deserves the tools to succeed in their education, they rallied friends and relatives for donations, and even dipped into their own pockets to contribute. Essential items like notebooks, crayons, pencils, glue sticks, and sharpeners were carefully gathered and donated. In a time when inflation has made it harder for many to prioritize these necessities, RCA members knew how vital it was to step in. This back-to-school supply drive was their way of ensuring that children in foster care have the supplies they need to thrive, despite the challenges they face.


Michael Brown, Kayla Paulsen, Alyssa Paulsen, Sophie Chung, Evan Chang and Kyan Chang (2 hrs. each)

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