AYLUS Memorial Branch volunteered at Chinese Community Center to assist with the summer youth camp on August 9th, 2024

On August 9th, 2024, members of the Aylus Memorial Branch in Houston, Texas volunteered at the Chinese Community Center to assist with the summer youth cleanup from 9 AM – 6:30 PM. The volunteers were tasked with clearing and cleaning classrooms, rearranging furniture, serving kids lunch, taking down classroom decoration, and organizing bookshelves. With their help, the summer camp kids would be able to get a freshly organized classroom with more space and tidiness.


Participants: Lynette Li (5 hrs), Natalie Min (4.5 hrs), Emily Liu (8 hrs), and Christine Cai (8 hrs).

Reported by: Lynette Li

Note: No youth were in photos to respect privacy

Updated: August 11, 2024 — 7:20 pm

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