AYLUS Frisco & Plano Branch: Packaging 1100+ PreK-4 Books for African Botswana Library on August 9th 2024

Reported by Jenny Wang

The team has collected more than 1100 prek-4 English books. We gathered together at The Grove club house to packaging them into 12″x12″x12″ boxes. First of all, we put a layer of plastics bag to prevent any water damage to the books. Then we put large size books at the bottom and small books on the top, put some books vertically to optimal the space usage. Each box cannot be more than 35 pounds. We are so proud to support and positively impact whole communities and young learners of rural and underserved areas of Sub-Saharan Africa.


Jenny Wang (event leader)               3 hours

Charlotte Chen (event leader)           3 hours

Zehao Sun              2 hours

Dawei Zhang          2 hours

John Zhang            2 hours

Alisa Tong              2 hours

Ryan Ma               2 hours

Grace Li               2 hours

Karen Zhou         2 hours

Ellie Zhou            2 hours

Rosie Zhang        2 hours

Amiya Shenoy     2 hours



Updated: August 12, 2024 — 5:51 pm

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