Frisco & Plano Branch Fundraisers at Russell Creek Park for African Library Project on August 4th 2024

Reported by Tingfei Li

Posted by Jenny Wang

Before the event, two members worked on making the posters and lemonade. Two members worked on making the light-up led balloons. Volunteers cooperated to sell lemonade and balloons to help fundraise for the African Library Project. During the sales process we met some customers from Africa who were very supportive of our organization,they wished to donate materials to help.The African Library Project recognizes the importance of allowing less fortunate people to books and literature. It aligns with AYLUS’ mission to help our community and world. However, the project requires high fund-demands for trans-continental book shipments, so the Frisco & Plano branch has continued to work hard at their part of this impactful project.



Tingfei Li              3 hours

Runci kang          3 hours

Deborah Zhao     3 hours

Qilu Jin                3 hours


Updated: August 7, 2024 — 1:28 pm

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