AYLUS Plano & Frisco Branch: Sorting Books For African Library Project to Botswana on August 7th, 2024

Reported by Amelia Kuo

Posted by Jenny Wang

Today, our group of AYLUS members sorted through the books we collected for the African Library Project. These books will be shipped to Botswana to help create and build libraries for communities. The collected books were sorted based on grades, such as PreK- 4th grades. By sorting through these books, we have realized the amount of effort that librarians in our communities and around the world put into creating organization systems for the books we enjoy reading every day.

Amelia Kuo (Event Leader): 3 hours & 51 books
Sophie Cho: 3 hours & 50 books
Jasper Kuo: 3 hours & 50 books
Kevin Cui: 3 hours & 50 books
Ryan Ma: 3 hours & 60 books
Chloe Lin: 3 hours & 50 books
Natalie Lin: 3 hours & 50 books
Updated: August 7, 2024 — 10:30 pm

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