AYLUS Great Neck Branch Hosted a Tennis Fundraiser Tournament on 8/4/2024

On August 4th, several AYLUS and GNYTC volunteers hosted a tennis fundraiser tournament for ACEing Autism, an organization aimed at helping children with autism. Participants were asked to pay $10 prior to entering the tournament. All funds were donated to Aceing Autism. Despite the forecast of rain, the tennis tournament went on from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., with volunteers arriving 1 hour earlier to set up the courts at Great Neck South Middle School.

Several volunteers handmade brackets three days before the tournament. The group also had three meetings of brainstorming sessions to discuss the layout of the tournament, the time of the tournament, as well as the donation organization. The volunteers also handed the winners certificates and tennis related stickers, bracelets, and keychains, as a token of their hard work and achievement. The tennis tournament was amazing and everyone who participated had so much fun!

Reported by: Yisu Zhang

Volunteers who participated(3 hrs):Yisu Zhang, Julia Xu, Victoria Wang, Fanxi Xia, Zixi Xia, Zhaoxi Chen, Brian Zhang, Rebecca Xu


Updated: August 6, 2024 — 12:33 pm

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