AYLUS Oyster Bay Participates in Oyster Garden Program @ Laurel Hollow Beach on July 27, 2024

Written by Amanda Li

On July 27, 2024, AYLUS Oyster Bay congregated at Laurel Hollow Village Beach to discover the significance of oyster gardens and to assist in gauging the average growth of these intriguing marine species.

The Oyster Garden Protection program aims to “garden” these oysters in safe floats off residential areas. Oyster gardening has various environmental benefits, including, but not limited to, restoring oyster populations, naturally improving surrounding water quality, and sustaining regional shellfish inhabitants.

Participants of the North Shore Oyster Gardening program and AYLUS Oyster Bay volunteered to measure the growth of oysters in each cage. Each oyster was measured from the cages and averaged to determine the season’s growth. Afterward, the oysters were placed into their enclosures and released into the water.

Volunteers of this event gained valuable experience supporting the local aquatic habitats and their populations. Furthermore, members of AYLUS acquired insight into the importance of monitoring shellfish growth and its impact on local waterways.


Amanda Li 2.5hrs, Zike Zhou 2hrs, Li Mink 2hrs, Li Ma 2 hrs, Renee 2 hrs

Updated: September 9, 2024 — 5:30 pm

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