The AYLUS Dix Hills Branch helps donate old clothing

On July 27th, the AYLUS Dix Hills Branch donates clothing to make use of unused items. Volunteers prepared and collected clothes for weeks prior, amassing a substantial amount of clothing items to give away. Volunteers packaged the clothes into bags and took them to a local donation station that could donate them to people who needed them. A variety of clothing items were included so that people could utilize different types for different conditions.

This act of giving was more than just about donating clothes—it was about repurposing unused resources and ensuring they could serve a meaningful purpose. The volunteers were not only helping people who needed clothing, but they were also contributing to a culture of sustainability by reducing waste and promoting the reuse of valuable resources.

Volunteers: Bryan Fan (2 hrs), Simon Kong (1.5 hrs), Sunya Kong (1.5 hrs) and Jake Wu (1.5 hrs).

Updated: February 2, 2025 — 10:36 pm

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