AYLUS Roslyn Sells Mulligan Rocks at CP Nassau’s 42nd Annual Golf & Tennis Tournament (1st) on August 1st, 2024

On August 1st, from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM, members of AYLUS Roslyn sold Mulligan Rocks painted by students at the Cerebral Palsy Association of Roslyn at their annual golf and tennis tournament. CP Nassau is a nonprofit that runs programs and services for those with disabilities. They run this event every year to raise money and awareness. At this event, people were able to buy beautifully hand-painted rocks and raffle tickets when they were coming to the tournament. This money will be going to fund programs at CP Nassau to help children and adults with disabilities.

Our job was to sell the rocks painted by the students to the golfers. We also restocked and distributed the gift bags to the participants of the tournament. Many people seemed to not notice the gift bags so we also reminded them to take one. All the gifts inside were donated by various sponsors and the gift bags were also packed by AYLUS volunteers at another event. Although it was very hot outside, the members had a good time interacting with the golfers. We had 2 volunteers at hole 1 and 2 volunteers at hole 10. Our goal was to sell all of our Mulligan Rocks. These rocks were hand-painted by the children and adults at the CPNassau Center. We sold them for 10 dollars each and what they do is when a golfer hits a ball and they don’t like where it landed, they can use the rock for a do-over. However, many people liked how the rocks looked and said they would keep them and give them to their family members. Many of them seemed enthusiastic to buy the rocks. Most of the rocks were sold. In total, the rock selling ended up raising over $1500. This event showed us how many people can come together to raise awareness and money for a good cause, as shown by the many sponsors donating raffle prizes and the many people who purchased the hand-painted rocks.

Members who participated include (6 hours): Maxim Li, Yubo Sun, Michael Zhang, Leo Zheng, Leah Chan

Reporter: Leah Chan

Updated: August 3, 2024 — 6:10 pm

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