Riverside County AYLUS Members Create Handmade Cards for Hospitalized Children in July, 2024

Several RCA members donated handmade cards to hospitalized children. Each year, thousands of children are hospitalized for various medical conditions, with some staying for a few days and others for weeks or even months. By creating and donating these heartfelt cards, RCA members aim to raise awareness about the challenges faced by these children, who are vulnerable, and who often may experience feelings of loneliness. By writing and drawing these cards, RCA members want to bring cheer and offer a glimmer of hope to these children.


07/20/24 Sophie Chung (3 hrs.)
07/21/24 Evan Chang, Kayla Paulsen and Alyssa Paulsen (3 hrs. each)
07/21/24 Kyan Chang (1.5 hrs)

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