AYLUS OAKLAND GARDENS WATERING Community Garden (7/27/2024)

On July 27th, 2024, members of AYLUS (Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States) Oakland Gardens Branch had a watering event at PS 390. This is our 97th event so far held by AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch.


Many of the plants that we took care of before had started to grow more. For example, some of the tomatoes were starting to change color to a vibrant reddish-orange, signaling that they were ripe. There was also a tiny watermelon and eggplants growing. We were very surprised to see the eggplant growing, since that part of the garden was growing the slowest.


The soil looked dry and the heat was killing the plants. That’s why we needed to water them twice a week. Some of the plants were already dead, from the lack of water. They were not the original healthy green color, but yellow brown instead. A lot of our members got bitten by the mosquitos, but they continued working. We wanted to continue helping our community no matter what. People in the community were allowed to come and pick the food themselves, so we were helping our community stay healthy.


Thank you to all our members who helped out in this event!


Our volunteers:
Aiden Lin : 1.5 hours
Iokseng Lin : 1.5 hours
Ioklee Lin : 1.5 hours
Stephanie ShiRan You : 1.5 hours
Jia Qi Liu : 1.5  hours
Brandon Lin : 1.5 hours
Iokting Lin : 1.5 hours
Sophia ShiHan You : 1.5 hours
Hong Hao Liu : 1.5 hours
Ioknor Lin :1.5 hours
Matthew Lin: 1.5 hours


Parent Adviser Team:
Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 2 hours
Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 2 hours
Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 2 hours


Report written by: Sophia ShiHanYou
Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu
Updated: July 28, 2024 — 2:33 am

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