AYLUS Great Neck Branch Tutoring Week 26( 7/23/2024,7/25/2024)

On 7/23/2024 and 7/25/2024, AYLUS Great Neck hosted two more tutoring sessions for students in the Great Neck Library Station Branch.


On 7/23/2024 AYLUS  Great Neck Branch had another session on tutoring in the station library. Xingzhi Li ,Yuhao (Henry) Xu and two middle school students were present. ‘Philosophical’ information is exchanged between the people as the session continues. One student tried to focus on math while the other student focused on history. It was an uneventful session.


On 7/25/2024 Aylus had held another session of tutoring in the station library. Xingzhi Li ,  Kylie Lam and three middle school students were present in the library. Two students were seeking math help while the other sought English help. Improvements might be made in participants with this session. Math progress has been steady while English progress is still trying to improve. An overall improvement from last session.

Both sessions ran for about one and a half hour, after which the volunteers said their goodbyes and left.


Reporter: Xingzhi Li


Xingzhi Li – 3 hours(7/23,7/25)

Kylie Lam – 1.5 hours(7/25)

Yuhao (Henry) Xu – 1.5 hours(7/23)


Updated: August 2, 2024 — 2:32 am

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