Oakland Gardens Branch Taking Care Community Garden (07/24/2024)

Today was AYLUS Oakland Garden’s 94th event. It was a nice evening and a perfect day to start watering the plants in P.S 390’s community garden.

Today when we got to our event we met P.S 390’s parent coordinator, Ms.Ella. Some of members were helping Ms. Ella made a tool shed/shelf, so we could store our gardening tools in it.

While some of the kids were building the rest of us were watering. We used hoses and buckets, we used a hose to fill the buckets with water and we used the buckets to water. As we were watering our members noticed some tomatoes that were growing there were nice and ripe, sadly when we plucked the tomatoes the bottom of some of the tomatoes were rotten, so instead of wasting them we put them in as compost. A couple of the cucumbers were ready but we thought some squirrels or other small animals ate them. Also, as we were watered we noticed there was corn stalk growing in the garden. We started wondering when the corn would be ready. A couple of the members were betting when the corn would grow. They made bets like “It’s one month!” or, “ Maybe two months!”  Then we also noticed that the little watermelon plant’s watermelon was still so tiny like it hadn’t grown in the past week.

In the end, we had fun watering the plants and eating the delicious food we had tended to, like beans, tomatoes, squash, and much more. As we ate them we had a happy and successful feeling making and eating the food we tended for ourselves. Giving off a sense of accomplishment for making our own food. Eating it felt so much better than the ones we bought in the store. Now due to our hard work and dedication we have created a beautiful garden for all to enjoy.

Our volunteers:
Ioklee Lin : 1.5 hours
Stephanie ShiRan You : 1.5 hours
Jia Qi Liu : 1.5  hours
Brandon Lin : 1.5 hours
Sophia ShiHan You : 1.5 hours
Hong Hao Liu : 1.5 hours
Aiden Lin : 1.5 hours
Iokseng Lin : 1.5 hours
Ioknor Lin :1.5 hours
Iokting Lin : 1.5 hours
Matthew Lin: 1.5 hours


Parent Adviser Team:
Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 2 hours
Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 2 hours
Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 2 hours


Report written by: Stephanie ShiRan You
Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu
Updated: July 26, 2024 — 1:32 am

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