AYLUS San Clemente Branch Members Volunteered at FAM Food Pantry on July 23rd & 25th, 2024

AYLUS San Clemente Branch Members volunteered at FAM Food Pantry on July 23rd and July 25th. They did both days shift from 3pm to 5pm. They sorted boxes of different food products into their respective places, organize foods to the shelves, as well as took donated toiletries from crates and categorized them. At the end of each shift, they swept up the warehouse and then mopped with a janitorial bucket of soapy water.

Members participated: Jasmine Zheng ( 4hrs ), Kevin Zhou ( 4hrs ).

Supervisor: Brown dean & Todd Zhou

Reported by Elena Hsieh


Updated: July 26, 2024 — 9:05 pm

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