AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families Through NOSH Delivery! Food Pantry (13th) on July 22nd, 2024

On Monday, July 22nd, 2024, from 9 am to 1 pm, AYLUS Roslyn volunteered at NOSH
Delivers, a food pantry located in Glen Cove. NOSH Delivers aims to help families
receive fresh groceries every week through their food pantry and delivery services.
Hundreds of families come every week to pick up fresh groceries from NOSH.

Today volunteers made delivery bags, handed out flyers, unpacked new shipments of
food, restocked food, and helped shoppers. First, we packed delivery bags containing
beans, fruit, soup, and spaghetti. We packed 150 bags of groceries which we helped to
load on carts. These bags are later to be given out to families in need. The other
volunteers were amazed to see our speed and efficiency in making these delivery bags.
We were later rewarded with bakery goods including croissants and turnovers which
were delicious. Next, we helped the shoppers pick out the foods that they wanted. Some
of the group left to hand out flyers that informed people of NOSH's new location and
encouraged them to come to the food pantry. We handed out close to 100 flyers. Today
was not a very busy day, so the group that stayed behind worked to restock and
organize the shelves. We put out new cans of fruit, vegetables, drinks, and milk. We also
restocked the drink section and made the messy area very neat. The other volunteers
were amazed to see our hard work.

Today, the food pantry received a new shipment of fresh produce including berries,
oranges, eggplants, salad mix, and cucumbers. Some of the fruits and vegetables were
rotten or moldy, so volunteers picked through the mountains of fruits and vegetables to
ensure that the produce was mold-free and fresh. There were over 10 crates of fruits
and vegetables that we had to sort and pack into new cardboard boxes so they could be
delivered to the produce section. After we sorted the fruits and vegetables we cut
cartons of eggs into six packs to hand out to people. We had four crates of eggs that we
needed to cut. However, we only had two knives, so people who did not have a knife got
creative and used box cutters to cut the styrofoam. Once we finished cutting the eggs we
packed them back into the original cardboard crates and placed them back into the
fridge until the produce section ran low. Then we will take a box at a time and wheel it
over to the produce section where we stacked them into the fridge for people to take. Finally, we received one last shipment of non-perishable goods including candy, chips,
gloves, dog food, cat food, and cleaning supplies. We put these new goods out in front
for the shoppers to take. The shoppers were delighted to see the new goods.

We ended the day by cleaning up the area. We swept the floor and wiped down the
counters. From this experience we learned to be grateful, and appreciate the importance
of food banks in our community. We strive to help give back to our community more. We
wish to come back soon.

Members who participated include:

Letao Tao  (4 hours), Kacie Li (4 hours), Katrina Chen (4 hours), and Anita Chen (4
Reporter: Letao Tao

Updated: July 26, 2024 — 7:59 pm

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