AYLUS Great Neck Branch Spreading Music Week 3( 7/19/2024)



On 7/19/2024, AYLUS Great Neck continued to host sessions to teach music playing to our peers.

Yuhao (Henry) Xu continued to teach his student how to play the piano by working on two pieces: a Czerny etude and a Suzuki etude.

Ruiqi Liu continued to teach his student how to play the flute by teaching her how to play scales and learn the basics of tonality.

Henry tutored for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, while Ruiqi tutored for about 1 hour. Their students both learned a lot!

Reporter: Ruiqi Liu


Yuhao (Henry) Xu – 1.5 hours

Ruiqi Liu – 1 hour


Updated: July 25, 2024 — 2:02 am

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