AYLUS Columbus Branch hosted an ice cream social event to promote volunteerism and the organization in the community on July 12th, 2024

On July 12th, 2024, the AYLUS Columbus Branch hosted an ice cream social event to congratulate and promote volunteerism in the AYLUS organization.

Members, parents, siblings, and friends, came to the event and all got to bond together over ice cream, homemade foods, tasty snacks, and fun activities such as Jazz Minton, frisbee, volleyball, Spike Ball, and drawing.

To help the community learn more about AYLUS-Columbus, student leaders announced the history, goals, past accomplishments of the Columbus Branch, and expressing gratitude for our advisors, as well as awarding 2023/2024 PVSA medals and certificates to deserving volunteers. Graduating members were given goodie bags as gratitude for their service, hoping them a brighter future ahead.

Everybody enjoyed the beautiful weather, fun activities, and delicious food, which we are thankful for the families who brought dishes and snacks to share at the party.

The event was organized and executed by the student leaders. Volunteer hours:

Maggie Zhang – 5.5 hours

Ayden He – 5 hours

Catherine Harman – 5 hours

Eason Wang – 5 hours

Henry Wang – 5 hours

Eric Hong – 5 hours

Estella Li – 3 hours

Brenna Li – 3 hours

Reported by Maggie Zhang

Updated: July 24, 2024 — 4:15 pm

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