AYLUS Oakland Gardens Caring For Local Garden (7/17/2024)

The 88th event was held on July 17th by AYLUS Oakland Gardens. We went to P.S. 390Q to help maintain the flower beds. It was a very cloudy day, not as hot as other recent temperatures. During the event, we removed weeds, watered the plants, and took home food that was ripe and ready.

When we started the event, we wore our gloves and got to work. Some of us helped untangle them and made sure that they were working fine. Meanwhile, the others were busy ripping up the weeds that have grown since we last came to this area. They had to make sure to pull them out of the roots to make sure the weeds did not get the chance to grow back and cause more harm to the garden beds. During this time, with the others finishing untangling the hoses, we all got to work filling the buckets, and with the weeds already picked, it was the perfect time to transition to watering the plants. This process was not very time-consuming, and it wasn’t a hard task, so we quickly got through this part without breaking a sweat.

Near the end of the event, we found ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, and other fruits and vegetables, but the most surprising of them all was a baby watermelon continuing to grow in the garden. But even with all this good news, there were also bad ones. It turned out that some parts of the plants were bitten off by squirrels, leaving some parts inedible.

When the event ended, we all had fun and learned more about the importance of caring for plant life and the environment. This was an opportunity for all of us to participate and help change lives for a better cause.


Our volunteers:

Sophia ShiHan You : 1.5 hours

Ioklee Lin : 1.5 hours

Iokting Lin : 1.5 hours

Stephanie ShiRan You : 1.5 hours

Jia Qi Liu : 1.5  hours

Iokseng Lin : 1.5 hours

Ioknor Lin :1.5 hours

Brandon Lin : 1.5 hours

Matthew Lin: 1.5 hours

Hong Hao Liu : 1.5 hours

Aiden Lin : 1.5 hours


Parent Adviser Team:

Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 2 hours

Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 2 hours

Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 2 hours


Report written by: Aiden Lin

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: July 20, 2024 — 2:58 am

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