AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch Makes Balloons and spread happiness (07/18/2024)

On July 18, AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch held its 90th event at Crocheron Park. We practiced making balloons for the carnival coming up, but we also donated some to the people near where we practiced. The children loved it the most. The weather was very nice and there was a slight breeze.


We were making balloons because of our branch’s first anniversary is coming up. When we arrived, we got balloons and started to pump them right away. We tried to pump them until the end was at least one inch long. The first basic one we learned how to make were dogs. Some people knew how to make these, while many did not. Parent advisor Fannie teach us how to make them, among many others. The members quickly learned the basic one, the dog. To make the dog, the members had to pump the balloons and tie it up. We made heads, ears, necks, and legs. While we were making them, the balloons started popping due to the pressure and friction from twisting them. This caused our members to be scared of twisting the balloons as they don’t want the balloons to pop. After a while, there wasn’t much popping as we started to go more advanced.


We learned swords, swans, flowers, and more. There were some people who help others. The weather became colder as we progressed through the event. Then, we took a group photo and after that, the members went back to work. Then we realized that there were holes in some balloons, so we had to throw them out. At the end of the event, we made a lot of balloons so we went and gave it to the community, as we wish to spread some happiness to the people around us. We also picked up and threw out any rubber from the balloons popping.


Overall, this event was fun and had taught us about how to handle with balloons and make different balloons. We will continue to make balloons to get better while spreading smiles to everyone around us.


Our Volunteers:
Hong Hao Liu: 1.5 hours
Ioknor Lin: 1.5 hours
Stephanie You: 1.5 hours
Sophia Li: 1.5 hours
Queena Li: 1.5 hours
Sophia Gao: 1.5 hours
Derrick Gao: 1.5 hours
Aaron Shi: 1.5 hours
Ryan Wu: 1.5 hours
Paxton Xu: 1.5 hours
Sabrina Gao: 1.5 hours
Carolyn Zhao: 1.5 hours
Jia Qi Liu: 1.5 hours
Nerissa Xu: 1 hour
Sophia ShiHan You: 0.5 hours
Ioklee Lin: 0.5 hours

Parent Adviser Team:

Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 2 hours

Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 2 hours

Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 2 hours


Report written by: Ioknor Lin

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: July 20, 2024 — 3:06 am

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