Murrieta AYLUS Hosts a Senior Center Music Performance ( 9th) ( 7/19/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao :

On July 19th, AYLUS members and guests performed for a local senior center.
They first greeted a few residents who were planned for a beach visit, chatting with them outside while they were waiting for the bus. Once inside, they made small talk with the residents that’d make up their audience. After waiting for a few more residents to arrive, they began their repertoire, consisting of the works of Bach, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Thais, and Wieniawski. During the performances, they sat with the residents to enjoy the music and keep them company. The residents and workers at the facility were incredibly pleased and also took photos. They continued light conversation with the residents afterwards, and bid them goodbye as they went to lunch.
The young musicians look forward to performing for the residents again!

Volunteers :

Wei Liu / Adora Xiao / Koe Goodsell / Saejoon Hong : 3 hrs ea



Updated: July 21, 2024 — 8:33 pm

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