SMILE 4 Special Needs (#154): Pearland Volunteers Taught Bucket Drumming Lesson (#13) at Easter Seals Special Needs Adult Camp on July 15th, 2024

On July 15, 2024, Pearland volunteers taught a bucket drumming session to adults with special needs at a summer camp organized by Easter Seals. Many participants had cerebral palsy and used wheelchairs, so volunteers adjusted the setup and modified the curriculum to suit their needs. This was the first time the volunteers taught an age group above 40. The session began with an introduction to the different sounds produced by various parts of the bucket: center, rim, and side. Following this, participants drummed along to a song. The volunteers also led the “Red, Yellow, and Green” game to help participants practice playing loudly, softly, and stopping on cue.

 Volunteers (2.5 hours): Zoey Dou, Erica Gao, Aila Jiang
 Parent on duty (2.5 hours): Carol Li
Updated: August 5, 2024 — 4:50 pm

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