AYLUS Cheshire Branch Fundraises with Barbecue 07/14/24

Reported by: Bradley Fang

On July 14th, 2024, AYLUS Cheshire Branch hosted the major fundraising event that went towards a donation to the local high school. Branch members cut the meat into sizable portions, skewered it, sliced it, lit the fire and coal, helped set the equipment up, and cooked the lamb skewers to be served, supervised the children, made sure the money was properly collected and name tags were given, among many other tasks. The volunteers invited friends and their families to come eat to raise money. Thank you to all the volunteers who came! Below are some pictures of the event:

Valerie 5.5 hours
Justin 5.5 hours
James 5.5 hours
Didier 5.5 hours
Owen 5.5 hours
Jason 5.5 hours
Raine 5.5 hours
Connor 5 hours
David 5 hours
Felyx 5 hours
Alvan 5 hours
Bradley 5 hours
Michelle 5.5 hours
Xinya 5.5 hours
Lucas 4 hours
TianTian 4 hours

Updated: July 20, 2024 — 8:04 pm

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