West Essex AYLUS Volunteers for the event Specturm360 and the Walk on June 9, 2024

West Essex AYLUS Volunteers for the event Specturm360 and the Walk on J (une 9, 2024. Spectrum360 provides people with autism and those with related challenges the specialized programs and support they need to realize their aspirations, lead thriving lives, and fully engage with their families and in their communities. Spectrum360 organized this ‘a Walk for a Lifetime’ which brings together families, friends, staff, alumni, and community sponsors to show their support of the students and adults who attend Spectrum360. West Essex members: Jessica Hao (2.5 hours), Alan Li (2.5 hours), David Yu (2.5 hours), Scott Yao (2.5 hours), Ella Chai (2.5 hours), Aily Wei (2.5 hours), Zihua Zhang (2.5 hours), Thomas Smith (2.5 hours), Evan Yang (2 hours), Min Zhang (2 hours), Calvin Cheng (4.5 hours).

Updated: July 13, 2024 — 11:45 pm

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